The Body Mind Tarot – 2nd edition!

The Body-Mind Tarot is a deck of 54 cards which can be used like any other traditional tarot deck. Originally, I designed it as final project for my Body-Mind Centering® Practitioner, engaging deeply with the BMC® material by drawing the images and writing the texts for the booklet. Meanwhile, the 200 decks of the first limited edition have been sold and there is the second edition of the deck! It contains new images and texts as well as improved packaging.

What makes the Body-Mind Tarot special is, that it uses our own body and mind as the subject or source of imagination. Some cards display parts or aspects of our body, some other cards show states of mind or patterns of movement that are familiar to us and part of our developmental process. Each card is an invitation to find out or remember something about how our body and mind work (together) and to let our associations flow with the images and words being offered.

How to use the deck?

You can simply draw an inspirational card for your day or experiment with any other traditional tarot spread, asking a question that is keeping you busy at the moment. The impulses you will get from this deck relate to your body and/or mind which sometimes can be taken very literally, sometimes require you to think a little bit ‘outside the box’. The text that comes along with every card starts out with a more informational part, followed by the interpretation or message of the card. Most of the cards also offer questions and actions for you to reflect, try out and explore your connection to the respective body parts, if you wish.

As Body-Mind Centering® practitioner, I started to include the cards in my private sessions and would like to encourage other practitioners who somehow work with body and/or mind processes to try it out! Asking a question and drawing cards can be nice to start or conclude a session.

Order your Body-Mind Tarot here!

Special offer: Pre-order your deck of the 2nd edition until the end of February for only 40€ instead of 50€!
Please get in touch for more information: [email protected]


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Price: 40,00 €
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