Body awareness

In Body-Mind Cetering®, we use movement and touch to get to know and sense ourselves – our body, our thoughts and feelings – in a conscious and differentiated way. We explore how our mind expresses through our body in movement as well as how movement and touch are influenced by our thought patterns and emotions. We rely on human anatomy, using imagery and imagination as orientation to explore in a playful way. We try new things, dive into more and also less familiar qualities within ourselves. We mainly follow our curiosity, and intuition, being inspired by each other and also sharing and exchanging about our experiences.

Private session

A Body-Mind Centering® private session is a mutual exchange rather than a classical bodywork treatment; client and practitioner both having an active role. With different qualities of touch, my hands guide your awareness to certain places and tissues in your body. Those impulses are an invitation to perceive and sense different structures in your body, to release or also enliven tissues. Images, anatomical information and verbal dialogue support our exploration.

If you are interested in a specific body part or structure (i.e. bones, organs, muscles, fluids etc.) or if you have a concrete issue, we can use that as entry point for a session. If not, we will go with what is presenting itself in the moment and can also make use of the Body Mind Tarot for impulses.

Costs: 60-80€ per session (approx. 75 mins)

Group experience

Body-Mind Centering® classes or group workshops can look and feel very different, depending on their topic, context and intention. Supported by the group and the respective ‘mind of the room’, we embark on a very individual journey into the tissues of our body.

Using anatomical information, imagery, movement and touch, we access and experience various places and structures in our body on a very deep and fine level. Individual, partner and group exercises alternate, depending on the topic and intention of the respective group.

Get in touch to inquire about upcoming group workshops or if you’re interested to collaborate!